Thursday, August 14, 2014

What life is About

Will see how this goes.  Nothing ever goes as I set it so instead of stressing about it I will just use it.  I have been on facebook already this morning.  I have killed one little black bug that was spinning around my head.  I really would like it better if they would all go visit someone else.  We got rain last night but it was in the 90’s yesterday and supposed to be like that all of this week.  Hot, hot.  I hole up in the air conditioning. My poor african violets need watering.  They are gasping but some still blooming.  Also going to turn our ancient TV on.  It went off yesterday  2 times and we have dish.  I fooled around with the remote and got it back on.  I think it is our TV.


Chatty Crone said...

I don't mind bugs if they are outside!!!!!!!!!!!!

shirl72 said...

Glad you are still kicking.
Hang in there Lucy you are a
trooper. They never give up and
that is the way you are give you
a problem and it will be solved.

We are having weather in the 90's
maybe some rain. This has been
a different Summer. Tell Spunky
I said hello. That is a sweet
little boy..


Suppose to rain here tomorrow. Don't mind it a bit.

About Me

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Lincoln, Ne., United States
I am married, had 5 children. 4 boys and 1 girl. Oldest is deceased. 9 grand kids, 10 great grand child and 2 more on the way. .I love hearing from people, and have made some true friends on the blog, (I think) I hope. We have a fat beagle named Spunky 5 years old and spoiled rotten, but we are huge dog lovers. Married 44 years.