Thursday, August 1, 2013


I am warning anyone past 70 =, do not try sink repairs on pipes, water, that Is.  We finished about 7 last night. 2 areas that had leaked once a year or so ago got pipe sealer on it.  I am proud of Joe.  He was groaning every time he changed positions.  I was up and down and trying to keep Spunky happy cause his favorite person was playing??? under the sink.  It at least lets the water drain.  For a 74 year old I think he did pretty good.  Especially with a battery needing replaced on his pacemaker and defribulator.  Sorry but spell check doesn’t even know how to spell that.  I e-mailed my daughter and told her I got my pant suit.  Blasted thing  cost an arm and leg.  Of course since we are on limited income I think 50.00 is to much to pay let alone 70.00.  It is for a wedding,=.  My granddaughter is getting married the 24 off this month.All of my clothes are just casual for summer and some I wear to the doctor or where I like to look more presentable.  I wear smocks quite a lot around home cause they have pockets but make me look like I weigh a ton.  Joe isn’t going since he will be in surgery the 23rd.  He doesn't care to go to weddings and so forth.  I think he is glad the procedure is the day before.  He has been able to come home the same day so I think he will be home.  I want to visit a few blogs today and see how the other half lives. I need “normal”.


Chatty Crone said...

Who is going to be with him when he gets home from the procedure if you are at a wedding? lol I agree with you - $70 is a bit stiff on a limited budget. And you will just wear it once? It was good of you to do that for her. sandie

jack69 said...

Oh yes, I do understand Joe's groaning under the sink, toooo well. One of the worst places to work on plumbing. When I was younger I just pulled the whole sink out and started from scratch. But now.... squeeze in and hope for the best.

Hopefully you will get some use out of the pantsuit, AFTER the wedding.I am an 'Against it' person for buying clothes for one use, that is for the rich and famous. I am practical, something bought should be used.

Me and joe are alike about weddings also. I like to find excuses. Way to go Joe.(but I would have found a better excuse, less involved. LOL)

Jean said...

I understand your time under the sink. Grover and I put new faucets in the bath tub a few years ago and it took us three days. Our older pipes isn't updated to fit the newer faucets, The guy at Lowes told me a few weeks ago that they were going to quit making faucets with two handles beside the spout and that's they way ours are made. Well maybe these will last a while. Take care. Jean

shirl72 said...

Lucy my mind is stressed. Call about help for my computer they switched me to
Tech Connect and I was on there with them for 2 hrs one night and 3 hrs. next night.
I am going to leave it alone and do what I can without calling. It is nice to be on the internet but things can go wrong. I enjoy getting e-mails and replying and reading blogs and that is
all I do on my computer. They switch me to Google Chrome and I do not like that. When
Jack gets home we will go and get me a browser like the one he put on for me when he
first decided I needed a computer. Then I will be happy again getting on the computer.
Didn't mean to get so worded but you know how aggravating things can be.


Good job getting that garbage disposal thing dealt with. The pantsuit sounds lovely. I'm glad you'll get to go to the wedding? Will Joe be okay to be alone after surgery???

Paula said...

Now I know I'm too old to be trying to do something under the sink. I wonder if that covers taking everything out and cleaning under there?

slj said...

Hi Lucy,
I'm so glad that the sink is done:) any time you deal with water pipes it's a big job...Congrats to Joe on getting it done..and to you for being his helper...
Ordering through the mail can cost more than we would normally pay for something..and I know it's tough on a tight budget, but sometimes we need to do something for ourselves:) I say keep it and enjoy it for more than just the wedding:)

About Me

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Lincoln, Ne., United States
I am married, had 5 children. 4 boys and 1 girl. Oldest is deceased. 9 grand kids, 10 great grand child and 2 more on the way. .I love hearing from people, and have made some true friends on the blog, (I think) I hope. We have a fat beagle named Spunky 5 years old and spoiled rotten, but we are huge dog lovers. Married 44 years.