Thursday, October 17, 2013

New person, Haircut???

I must have had a total mind over matter revamp.  I feel like I am starting a new life at the ripe old age of one month shy of my 83rd Birthday.  Spunky was walking with just His toenails touching the ground and limping. Today he is lowering most of the paw to the ground but still limping.  He is determined to keep on trying to do all he ever did but it is hard for him, so he lays down.  He wanted out about 4 this morning so Joe got up and put his shoes instead of slippers, pants and shirt and sweater on, just in case the racoon was out there, and sure enough it was.  Joe went out the front door and around to chase It away. Spunky was raising all kinds of cane at the back door.  Joe threw rocks at it and it just stared at him so he got a long stick.  The coon was on a wire rolled up and it fell inside.  Joe pulled him out by the tail and he was just a small coon but Joe threw him over the fence.  Must go and change sheets today.  Joe will help me.


jack69 said...

Glad you are RENEWED. Good to hear.

I cannot believe Joe grabbed the coon no matter how small they are, DEY can BITE!

Life is interesting for older folk sometime!!

Love from NC

Chatty Crone said...

Jack is right - they bite!!!!!!

Forty Pound Sack said...

Yes, and the claws are pretty dang sharp, too. Maybe there is some repellant at a garden shop by you. That stuff usually smells to heaven, but it works ~

Paula said...

Scary! Joe needed some gloves on. Glad you are enjoying your new haircut.

slj said...

Hi Lucy,
I started a new blog..Hopefully you will be able to link to it from here...This is driving me insane..I do not need BLOGGER problems at this time.....

slj said...

nope..still working on it...

About Me

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Lincoln, Ne., United States
I am married, had 5 children. 4 boys and 1 girl. Oldest is deceased. 9 grand kids, 10 great grand child and 2 more on the way. .I love hearing from people, and have made some true friends on the blog, (I think) I hope. We have a fat beagle named Spunky 5 years old and spoiled rotten, but we are huge dog lovers. Married 44 years.