Monday, March 24, 2014

No one can tell me , it is spring. To dad gummed cold

It was cold all day and supposed to snow last night.  It did not, at least not yet.  I made sure I looked out before  I  wrote it. I will call Time Warner Cable today and cancel our service.  Then we have to take the modem and whatever else that belongs to them, back. I have mentioned that Joe is really cold blooded and has been extra cold this winter.  He had made an appointment to get Spunky a bath today.  Yesterday he worried that to death.  I am going to cancel if we get snow.  It is to cold to give him a bath.  I said well, cancel it when you get up.  Well, he didn’t know.  Now this one was really hard for me to believe when he said it. Spunky was gagging and making his way to the door early, like a lot of dogs do occasionally.  Joe was closest and I said Joe, let him out. He is going to be sick.  He reached for his shoes and by that time Spunky had already upchucked and was on his way to the bedroom  to leave his deposit there.  I said Joe, let him out, and this is what he said.  “well I don’t want him to throw up outside.” I said of course he  goes out, to do that.  I then just said well it is to late now, but you always try to get him out.  I am going to have to clean up in the bedroom where Joe said “ I got that cleaned up.”  Now for those of you that have a weak stomach, sorry.  Jack you can stop laughing.  I still can not believe  he didn’t think Spunky should  not go out when he is upchucking.  I can not  get that out of my mind.  Must go.


jack69 said...

Sometimes you girls make us say things that don't make sense. Y'all drive us to distraction.

WE are not responsible for what we say. ANYBODY can understand that.
You girls think just because you are cute, you can run over us. LOL

love from Central Florida!!!!

shirl72 said...

I am so sorry that Spunky is sick.
When they get ready to throw-up it comes fast. Glad you got every thing under control and the mess
cleaned up.

Hope you don't get anymore snow.
We had 70's Sunday and today it is
in the 30's. We sure have had odd
weather this Winter, no Spring and
wonder if Summer is on its way.

Chatty Crone said...

Well I wonder why he didn't want him to throw up outside - guess he thought it would make more of a mess then inside - you got to clean!


Poor Spunky feeling sick. I would have let him go outside, myself. I agree with you Lucy.

About Me

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Lincoln, Ne., United States
I am married, had 5 children. 4 boys and 1 girl. Oldest is deceased. 9 grand kids, 10 great grand child and 2 more on the way. .I love hearing from people, and have made some true friends on the blog, (I think) I hope. We have a fat beagle named Spunky 5 years old and spoiled rotten, but we are huge dog lovers. Married 44 years.