Thursday, August 14, 2014

I am getting behinder and behinder

I am going to see if I can get this posted, written first of course will see if it even posts. I know it is me making the error.  I just can’t get it set right.  I will win over this to.  I have been trying to make some of the downloads stop.  I am getting over loaded.  HP is  overdoing it so I have made it to where I have to accept it before it can be installed.  One of the reasons I didn’t get things done was I was making calls.  I called in on the pink house that is such a mess.  The weeds are tall as me,  The house next door is getting tall so they may nail someone there.  I called the health department and told them it was unsafe and a breeding ground for  germs. and diseases, which it is.  Then I called about the big gouge  a block long n front of our house.  I should have done it before because it is fetting deeper.  My neighbour moved already and then left all kinds of  stuff in the basement, the front porch and the shed.
  I smell coffee.   Later.



Hope the coffee was good. Sounds like a whole bunch of stuff is going on in your neck of the woods.

Paula said...

Get em' all straightened out Lucy. Your post was fine from this end.

Chatty Crone said...

Your post was fine here too. What I can't understand is I go to blogger - type my post - and hit post and it's done. Not sure what you are doing exactly.

jack69 said...

I hope you can get this mess straightened out, I am getting worn out! hahahaha Sorry you lost the neighbor, wasn’t that the one you liked?

Take care, sent from Pennsylvania….

About Me

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Lincoln, Ne., United States
I am married, had 5 children. 4 boys and 1 girl. Oldest is deceased. 9 grand kids, 10 great grand child and 2 more on the way. .I love hearing from people, and have made some true friends on the blog, (I think) I hope. We have a fat beagle named Spunky 5 years old and spoiled rotten, but we are huge dog lovers. Married 44 years.