Sunday, June 30, 2013


Blog’S ARE changed, my Facebook is crazy and I would like to know who in the heck has that right to go into my computer while I am sleeping and change it all. If they think I want something I will ask for it.  I think, and this is just my opinion that we older people are becoming obsolete along with the Smart Phones  that are outdated  with in 3 months, I-pads, nooks, and all of these new fangled gadgets  are going to take the plain computer off the market except maybe for businesses.    If they have the money to buy all of these things that is fine but just don’t mess with my computer. In a way I  can see where I phones might be pretty good.  People like my sons who have a hearing loss and where he can use his smart phone along with some gadgets that probably cost an arm and leg  so his phone works well for him.  Also as Jack said  texting helps him.  Just  Picky???  No, I am not to computer smart and they need to leave me alone.  When I was trying to figure out what the heck feedly was, I got on one site , in blogging I do not ever want to be in.  Won’t say iy here, it might strike my Computer dead and me to. I should not rant  so I am going to go see if they have lost my Facebook page.


slj said...

Good morning Lucy,
Sorry you're having problems witht blogger and's never fun for sure..
It is a bright sunny day her and I'm happy about that:)
Hope your day goes well,


OH no more computer problems. Hope they are resolved soon.

jack69 said...

We are in the same boat, Imma hoping it all works out. LOL hopefully this boat won't capsize and all will be well into the sunset. LOL
We are in Del Rio, Texas. The home (across the border) of XERF Ciudad cuna, couilla, Mexico or something like that. LOL When I was a kid I used to listen to XERF and WCKY at night.
((HUGS)) and hope all comes out in the wash for us all.

shirl72 said...

Lucy like you they do what they want to do and never
consider we may not want the change. AT&T did the
change that I am unhappy with. I called and they said we
still have snags we are trying to straignten out.
Well leave us alone. Let people choose what they want.
I guess we don't need to get our BP up..stay cool

Paula said...

You kind of make me laugh, not at you, but at both of us. I think we're in the same boat so I hope we don't capsize. You know what though? I think all of us older people here do pretty darn well because we will try new things and there are those who won't.

About Me

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Lincoln, Ne., United States
I am married, had 5 children. 4 boys and 1 girl. Oldest is deceased. 9 grand kids, 10 great grand child and 2 more on the way. .I love hearing from people, and have made some true friends on the blog, (I think) I hope. We have a fat beagle named Spunky 5 years old and spoiled rotten, but we are huge dog lovers. Married 44 years.